Episode 09 - Parviz Ghahramani

In this episode of The Peace of Persistence, I'm so honored to meet with Parviz Ghahramani, author, award-winning researcher, owner of Inncelerex, and pilot. Watch as Parviz shares his wisdom about being positive in any situation, listening to advice and criticism, constant learning, how to use other pursuits to refresh your mind for work, and so much more!

"I may not know everything in the world, but everybody knows everything in the world; therefore, by listening to them, being an open-minded person, and being able to take the positive comments, or negative comments, but turn them into a positive aspect, that's the key to success." -Parviz Ghahramani

In this episode of The Peace of Persistence, host Abigail Wright meets with Parviz Ghahramani, author, award-winning researcher, owner of Inncelerex, and pilot. Watch as Parviz shares his wisdom about being positive in any situation, listening to advice and criticism, constant learning, how to use other pursuits to refresh your mind for work, and so much more!

Extended audio version available on iTunes or by searching on your favorite podcast app!

Tune in on January 8, 2016 for episode 10, with wealth manager Annie Small.

Related links:
Inncelerex - http://inncelerex.com/
Twitter @peaceofpersist
Facebook & Instagram @peaceofpersistence

Episode 05 - Paul Nelson

I was fortunate enough to meet this charming man through a mutual friend who lives on the same lake in Bloomfield, NJ. Paul Nelson, a 99-year-old retired nuclear engineer and inspector, gave me so much joy just sitting in his presence and enjoying his hospitality. 

In this interview, he talks about his feelings about the atomic bombs in WW2 and his secrets to longevity, relationships, lifelong learning, and living each day.

Episode 04 - Lynn Krynicki Bayer

I've known Lynn Krynicki Bayer for a decade, since my early twenties, and I've watched her handle the world around her with the most kindness and grace of anyone I've ever seen. The Stage Manager for Washington National Opera and Bard Summerscape, Lynn understands the importance of communication, teamwork, and level-headedness on an extremely high level. 

In this interview, she shares her insights about managing life and work one moment at a time, the importance of problem solving, and contentment with life - without comparing yours to others. Please enjoy the video below, and don't forget to check out the extended audio version on iTunes.

Episode 03 - Jen Ponton

Welcome to Episode 3 of The Peace of Persistence, where I interview actor Jen Ponton. I met Jen through a mutual friend, and I have to say she is one of the many reasons I do The Peace of Persistence each month. Editing this episode and listening to her incredible wisdom about living life for each moment, being a role model, and carefully choosing and celebrating our relationships is making my life better every day. 

I hope you find as much meaning here as I have. Either way, you'll get to see the cutest bunny ever.  

Also, remember - the extended version of this and every episode is available on our iTunes podcast. Check it out, and give us some love in a review or share us with your friends today.

Episode 02 - Blake Robinson

Welcome to Episode 2 of The Peace of Persistence, where I interview Blake Robinson, retired investment manager and thriving photographer, mentor, volunteer, and husband. I've known Blake now for years as a photographer and friend, and just sitting in his company for the day brought so much warmth and joy to me. Since then, I've thought a lot about living a life of integrity and being consistent in how I treat others and myself. Of course, it also didn't hurt that we did a great headshot session for opera photos afterwards!

I hope this episode provokes you in the best of all possible ways, as it has done for me. 

Episode 01 - Jaimee Hammer

In honor of managing the dreaded busy tax season in the United States, I'm proud to introduce my first episode and Jaimee Hammer! I was so grateful to sit down with Jaimee for an afternoon to talk about her busy and exciting life as tax professional, business owner, singer, mom, and wife. Honestly, I didn't want to leave, no less trim down our conversation to a 10 minute episode! 

Nonetheless, here we are with our first episode about balancing success and happiness. Watch for yourself, and subscribe below to stay updated with all our episodes of The Peace of Persistence.