Exciting Announcement from TPOP!

TPOP is going to be on TV! This week, host Abigail Wright discusses the importance of connecting and presence to deal with change.  Also, she tells you how to tune in Sundays this fall for extended video episodes of Season 1 on the Manhattan Neighborhood Network.

The 5 Ways to Wellbeing #1 - Connect

After my conversation with Charles Seaford from the Centre for Wellbeing at the New Economics Foundation, I wanted to delve in deeper into their simple ways to lead a more fulfilling life, the 5 Ways to Wellbeing. Simply put, when you take the time to incorporate each of these practices into your life on a regular basis, you contribute to your own happiness and well-being!

This week, I talk about various ways that you can connect, wherever you are in your life at this moment. In two weeks, we'll cover the 2nd way to well-being, being active. Stay tuned every other Friday for all of the 5 ways to well-being.