Better than before - Convenience

If it's so obvious, then why aren't we all doing it? Convenience where it helps. Host Abigail Wright discusses Gretchen Rubin's book Better than before and her strategy of convenience as it applies to habit formation. 

Enjoy this pre-holiday season, and don't forget to leave space for the magic!

Better than before - Clean Slate

Have you ever wanted to get a fresh start, have a clean slate? There's a reason for that. A clean slate is the perfect time to begin a new habit, or to break down ones you don't like. Continuing to read Gretchen Rubin's Better than before, host Abigail Wright uses her parents as a prime example as they enter into retirement, living on a sailboat. 

Good news! You don't have to move onto a sailboat to create a clean slate. Instead, career and success coach Hal Elrod has an idea and an invitation for all of us to embark together on our best month ever this November. Check it out!

Motivation! 4 Tendencies

TPOP host Abigail Wright discusses motivation. With a drive to know herself better, she shares how you can know your tendencies towards expectations in life. Many thanks to author and happiness researcher Gretchen Rubin for creating this framework to help us understand the way we naturally respond to expectations. This perspective is huge for creating meaningful change!

Exciting Announcement from TPOP!

TPOP is going to be on TV! This week, host Abigail Wright discusses the importance of connecting and presence to deal with change.  Also, she tells you how to tune in Sundays this fall for extended video episodes of Season 1 on the Manhattan Neighborhood Network.

Episode 2.02 - Bill McKibben

I'm so happy to bring you this episode from the infancy of The Peace of Persistence, as promised, as a follow up to last week's episode on caring for the planet. Meet Bill McKibben, "unlikely activist," author, and co-founder of Although some things have changed since this early interview, Bill's message continues to ring true. 

I am so grateful to Bill McKibben for this chance to meet and talk about our global community and the future we all can create for ourselves moving forward. Come back in 2 weeks, when we'll begin our series on motivation. I can't wait to introduce you to some exciting studies on the way we respond to expectations in life. 

The 5 Ways to Wellbeing Bonus! Care for the Planet

It's been an amazing summer, exploring the 5 Ways to Well-being and discovering how to live a fuller, more satisfied life. In this episode, I tie it all together and also discuss caring for the planet, to help create sustainable well-being for everyone. Don't forget, there's no one way to make it happen! It's all about making a commitment to care for yourself each day in these simple ways. 

If you missed the last episode on taking notice, check that out below. After my conversation with Charles Seaford from the Centre for Wellbeing at the New Economics Foundation, I wanted to delve in deeper into their simple ways to lead a more fulfilling life, the 5 Ways to Wellbeing. Simply put, when you take the time to incorporate each of these practices into your life on a regular basis, you contribute to your own happiness and well-being! Stay tuned in 2 Fridays for our Skype interview with author and unlikely activist, Bill McKibben

The 5 Ways to Wellbeing #5 - Give

We've made it to number 5 of the Centre for Wellbeing's Five Ways to Wellbeing! I thought this would be a really hard episode for me, as I don't perceive of myself as someone who gives back as much as I can. Thankfully, I was wrong, and we can still grow together. Join me in this episode, where I discuss where and how we can give as part of our regular lives. 

If you missed the last episode on taking notice, check that out below. After my conversation with Charles Seaford from the Centre for Wellbeing at the New Economics Foundation, I wanted to delve in deeper into their simple ways to lead a more fulfilling life, the 5 Ways to Wellbeing. Simply put, when you take the time to incorporate each of these practices into your life on a regular basis, you contribute to your own happiness and well-being! Stay tuned in 2 Fridays for our bonus episode, where we tie it all together and offer a bonus way to well-being. 

The 5 Ways to Wellbeing #4 - Keep Learning

For the past 8 weeks, I've been talking about ways to improve life satisfaction through the Centre for Wellbeing's 5 Ways to Wellbeing. For this episode, the focus is on learning, why we need to keep learning, and ways to keep it going and consistent during our busy lives. Let me know what you think - and what you want to learn!

If you missed the last episode on taking notice, check that out below. After my conversation with Charles Seaford from the Centre for Wellbeing at the New Economics Foundation, I wanted to delve in deeper into their simple ways to lead a more fulfilling life, the 5 Ways to Wellbeing. Simply put, when you take the time to incorporate each of these practices into your life on a regular basis, you contribute to your own happiness and well-being! Stay tuned every other Friday for all of the 5 ways to well-being. 

The 5 Ways to Wellbeing #1 - Connect

After my conversation with Charles Seaford from the Centre for Wellbeing at the New Economics Foundation, I wanted to delve in deeper into their simple ways to lead a more fulfilling life, the 5 Ways to Wellbeing. Simply put, when you take the time to incorporate each of these practices into your life on a regular basis, you contribute to your own happiness and well-being!

This week, I talk about various ways that you can connect, wherever you are in your life at this moment. In two weeks, we'll cover the 2nd way to well-being, being active. Stay tuned every other Friday for all of the 5 ways to well-being. 

Challenges 8-)

Challenges are absolutely crucial - on a daily basis! Not the kind that are thrust upon us, but the ones we give ourselves, both small and large. 

Host Abigail Wright discusses the importance of challenging oneself every day to maximize well-being. How life can change you - and you can change your life for the better.

Related links:
The Brain That Changes Itself:
Skydiving for Pearls Blog:
Audio Version:

Pep Talks (go listen to Charles Seaford)!

Pep talks (I sing to myself sometimes), miracle mornings, and this week's exclusive audio interview with Charles Seaford, former head of the UK's Centre for Well-Being!
More info at

Related Links:
Audio interview with Charles Seaford:
5 ways to well-being!
Ben Bernanke Interview about economic measurement:

Amazing Brace!

It's done! The surgery was approved, and I'm on my way to healing. In this episode, I talk about accepting help and how grateful I am for everyone who's helped and reached out to me, while on a homemade stationary bicycle for my physical therapy exercises. 

Keep watching for some silly bonus footage from the hospital.

How Am I Still Standing (Labrum with An R)?

Thanks for joining me for season 2 of The Peace of Persistence! This season, we'll have more interviews with amazing people, and a brand new feature. Each week, expect another episode on Fridays about my own persistent search for success and happiness.

This week, I come clean about the struggles I've had physically for the past nine months, and I'm reminded of last season's extended audio episode with Paul Nelson. At 99 years of age, he talks about how he always assumes everything's going to work out. A lesson I definitely need to remember. 

Oh and it's a labral tear, not that other thing that starts with "lab." ;)

Thanks for watching - stay tuned for next week's episode, hopefully post-surgery!!